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Sondela Family Stage Race 2024

29 November – 1 December 2024

We Take Care Of You!

Get those legs warmed up for your ride at our 3 Day Stage Race, the most exciting race with a lot of extras in store. Beautiful scenery, great atmosphere and entertainment for the whole family all wait for your arrival!


An Ice cold beer, cider or cold drink at the end of Stage 1 on the Finish line

Branded Cap

Sondela Branded cap for Stage 2 on Finish line

Branded T-Shirt

Sondela branded T-shirt for Stage 3 on Finish line

Potjie Kos

Free Potjie for each entrant on Friday Night after 20km Stage 1

Fantastic Accomodation Options

Sondela Nature Reserve ranks as one of the best Bela-Bela resorts with its array of bushveld accommodation options. Choose to truly unplug in the remote Tambuki campsite or glamp it up in the Moselesele Tented Camp. The 4-star chalets provide the perfect Bela-Bela accommodation for those looking for self-catering accommodation outside Pretoria or enjoy the ultimate experience with our 4-star, up-market butler serviced Country House.



Entry Fees – All 3 stages (excluding meals)
R1 200.00 for solo entry
R2 400.00 for team of 2 entry

Single entries:
R 380 for 19km

R 450 for 40km
R 480 for 60km

Combined Entries:
R 850 for 19km & 60km
R 800 for 40km & 19km
R 900 for 60km & 40km

Sub categories:

1. Men
2. Ladies
3. Mixed
4. Masters
5. Parent and child (16-18 years)
6. Hybrid (1x E-bike & 1x MTB)

1. Open Men
2. Open Ladies
3. Masters
4. E-Bike

Event Program


Friday 29 November 2024: 19km TRAIL

16:30 -17:45 Registration at the Farmyard

18:00 19km Race Start (Day/Night ride) Lights required during race – No lights / No ride.

18:10 Special Kiddies Race, 1km (4 – 8 Years, all are winners)

19:00 Potjiekos (Free for entrant, and special price for the rest of the family)

Saturday 30 November 2024: 60km TRAIL

06:45 Race Briefing

07:00 60Km Race Start

08:00 Special Kiddies Race, 2km (4 – 8 Years, all are winners)

Sunday 1 December 2024: 40km TRAIL

06:45 Race Briefing

07:00 40Km Race Start

07:15 Special Kiddies Race, 2km (4 – 8 Years, all is winners)

11:30 Prizegiving

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you have a cancellation/refund policy?

You may use your paid-up entry fees for any other Sondela MTB race, excluding the Trailseekers event.

What bikes are suited for riding at Sondela?

Hardtails, Dual Suspensions and Fatbikes for the really brave.

Are the routes suitable for Beginners and Children?

The 19km route is suitable for beginners, the 40km route for intermediate riders and the 60km route for experienced riders.

Will I have access to the swimming pools and other facilities after the race?

Yes, you will also have access to shower facilities

May I bring my family and/or support crew?

Yes, day visitors are restricted to a max of 4 pax with the rider.

When and where will results be published?

Results will be published on social media and our website during the event after every stage.

Are there any other fees payable over and above the event registration fee?

No, only extras as required by the rider.

What safety and security measures are in place?

We have Riding Marshals of different fitness levels on the route. Two of the three stages are within the Sondela Nature Reserve and stage three is on Bosfontein. We have 47 Point Marshalls with local GPF on standby. Remember to bring a light for Friday evening. There will also be a bike mechanic and a sport shop available at the event to use at your own cost.

Do I have to participate in all three stages?

You can also enter for only one or two of the three stages.

So Much More Than Just A Race

Fantastic accommodation options available. The perfect spot for an adventurous mountain biking weekend!

Timing Solutions

We use the best timing solution providers for reliable race results for our awesome community of riders.

Fantastic Prizes

Not only will you experience an epic ride, but race winners are also in line for great prizes from our generous sponsors.

Water Stops

Enjoy your best race ever with Sondela. We have enough water stops along the route to keep you hydrated during your race.

Amazing Routes

If you love nature as much as you love your bike, Sondela is your perfect MTB racing destination.

Family Orientated

While you are sweating it out on your bike, your family can enjoy the many facilities that Sondela has to offer.


Try out the scrumptious meals from our restaurants to satisfy any appetite after your race.

Swimming Pools

Get ready for the race that heats up your summer and have your cool down in our hot- and cold water pools after your race.

Support Services

We love what we do here and are happy to help you however we can.

Emergency Services

We are on standby to assist bike riders in distress with support, medical or rescue staff.

What's In Store


Please visit our website on the following links for online bookings:


We had the best of times with everyone who showed up and gave it everything they had! Visit the link below to see all the photos.

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